About Bullying
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive, and repetitive behavior caused by an individual(s) towards someone who they see as inferior. A bully uses their superior strength or ability to intimidate another person in order to have that individual do what he/she wants
According to StopBullying.gov, there are three types of bullying:
- Verbal teasing, name-calling, taunting, and or threatening
- Social excluding someone on purpose, telling other kids not to be friends with that other child, and or spreading rumors
- Physical hitting, spitting, pushing, destroying others propert

Kids and teens are prone to bullying from their peers for a variety of reasons, including physical appearance, academic ability/disabilities, hobbies, social status, and even their parent’s financial status.
Kids and teens who are bullied experience higher rates of suicide in addition to lower self-esteem, poorer academic performance, and the overall struggle to succeed
It is important for parents to teach their children about different life situations. This helps them learn to distinguish between events and feelings, then how to understand and relate these feelings to others. Teaching these skills at an early age is the best way to expose them to how others may treat them as they get older.
One in five young people suffers from extreme cyberbullying, with social media accounting for more than half of the abuse. Parents and guardians need to have an open mind when listening to their children’s needs. Listen and act to help stop the bullying
Cyberbullying is the use of electronic technology, such as online communication tools, websites, and apps, with the intent to offend, humiliate, threaten, harass, or abuse someone. The bully may target individuals using text, social media, email, or online gaming. Seven in ten youth experience cyberbullying before turning 18
Cyberbullying can lead to depression and, in some cases, suicide. Younger kids are more prone to send offensive messages because they are more likely to send messages without thinking about the consequences.
A new study recently revealed that sibling bullying may be more detrimental to mental health than once thought. Researchers found children may experience higher levels of anxiety, fear, and depression when dealing with an aggressive sibling.
They are calling on parents and mental health professionals to be more aware of the role that sibling aggression plays in the development of a child’s mental health